No load shedding in 10 days

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Pretoria - There has been no load shedding for the past ten days as the power system is currently constrained but stable, said Eskom on Wednesday.

However, the utility said that the likelihood of load shedding during this evening’s peak period - from 5pm to 9pm - remains a possibility should Eskom experience an additional generating unit failure.

“Eskom’s aim is to meet the country’s electricity needs and maintain its power generating units with minimal or no load shedding. However, Eskom will inform customers should the possibility of load shedding intensify,” it said.

The week of 17 to 23 August 2015 is the annual Eskom National Electricity Safety Week, aimed at educating members of the public about using electricity safely and responsibly.

The utility will be hosting a series of activities around the country to engage with South Africans to highlight the dangers associated with the unsafe use of electricity.

“As Eskom, we are always striving to prevent injuries and fatalities due to illegal electricity connections in our quest to achieve our ultimate goal of zero harm. We are aware that the biggest causes of these injuries and fatalities are illegal connections, contact with exposed cables, vandalism, and cable theft,” said Eskom.

Eskom said innocent lives cannot continue to be lost as a consequence of the unsafe use of electricity, particularly in the form of illegal connections. -