Campaign to assist protection of artists

Friday, August 13, 2010

Pretoria - The Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) is to launch a new Anti-Piracy Campaign in September to protect the copyright of artists.

Last year, President Jacob Zuma convened a meeting with artists to discuss a range of issues including piracy and discontentment on distribution of royalties by collecting societies which artists blamed as a cause leading to artists dying poor, artists also complained about little government support in addressing their challenges.

Deputy Minister Thandi Tobias Pokolo convened a meeting to discuss the concerns raised.

"In my fact finding mission, I analysed the generic allegations made against collecting societies. Other concerns raised were on law enforcement and on abuse of intellectual property rights," said the deputy minister.

In an effort to address the complaints of intellectual property rights, Pokolo is to launch an Anti-Piracy Campaign.

"I will also launch a new Anti- piracy Campaign in September this year which details thereof will be provided at a media breakfast... the launch will highlight the significant role that the public needs to play in the public, private partnership in combating crime, but also in enriching economic development for our citizens," she said.

She added that she hoped the media would help expose exposing elements of corruption by reporting on small business and syndicates involved in piracy.

With regards to the collecting of societies, Pokolo has decided to establish a commission to investigate the allegations. She has also invited different ministries to a roundtable to discuss and resolve the matters, which will take place in due course.