Pretoria - Stakeholders in the business process services (BPS) sector in the United Kingdom have agreed to set up a technical working group with the Department of Trade and Industry (dti) to enhance South Africa’s value proposition.
The decision was taken in a meeting that the Minister of Trade and Industry, Rob Davies, hosted with BPS investors in London, the dti said on Tuesday.
The meeting formed part of the Minister’s two-day visit to the UK, which got off the ground on Monday.
Minister Davies is in the UK to engage the government on Brexit transactions and to showcase opportunities for investment in some of South Africa’s priority sectors.
A number of companies that attended the meeting were pleased with South Africa’s service offerings.
Minister Davies launched the revised BPS incentive at South Africa House in the UK in October 2014 to promote investor retention and expansion.
As a follow up, the Minister hosted a roundtable discussion with BPS investors during the visit, which facilitated a fruitful discussion with companies on the future outlook for South Africa.
Minister Davies also met with Chatham House on the Trade and Investment Policy, including South Africa’s economic outlook.
Government, he said, is encouraging private sector investment with the establishment of InvestSA, a one-stop shop to boost investment.
“The aim is to remove administrative barriers, reduce regulatory inefficiencies, improve turnaround times, and coordinate and fast-tract investment enquiries,” said Minister Davies.
The Minister’s visit to the UK follows his attendance of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, which was recently held in Switzerland. –