Pretoria - Bus commuters in the City of Tshwane will now be able to purchase bus tickets on an improved ticketing system.
The new system will allow commuters to purchase weekly tickets as opposed to the daily passes or coupons that were previously used over a two-week period.
The City has also introduced connection tickets - meaning that a person would, for example, have a single ticket to travel from Capital Park to the City Centre, then from the City Centre to Centurion. In the past, a person would have to purchase two tickets for such a trip.
The new system also ensures that elderly persons over the age of 68 will use the services free of charge.
The new system is not an increase in tarrifs, but an improved method of purchasing tickets.
"The most important aim is to correct historical anomalies in the system, with a view to normalizing and modernizing it," said City spokesperson Console Tleane.
"We also aim to correct an audit query that was raised by the Auditor-General, relating to lack of controls that were identified in the old system. The new system addresses that, plus tight security measures that satisfy the concerns expressed by the Auditor-General," Tleane said.
The City will embark on an education and communication drive to educate the public on what the new changes entail.