Pretoria - Last year's matrics will on Thursday have various options in finding out if they have passed all their examinations when the 2009 matric results are officially released.
The results will be published in all major national newspapers.
Pupils can also get their results at their respective schools from 8am or access their detailed results via the national Department of Basic Education's website.
To receive the detailed results via SMS, one can register by sending the words MATRIC or their ID number to 35470.
Students can also use the SABC's mobile news service News Break by calling 082 152, selecting option 6, and following the instructions to punch in their exam and ID numbers.
They can also call Vodacom's dedicated matric line in each province:
* Limpopo - 082 234 9001
* Gauteng- 082 234 9002
* Mpumalanga-082 234 9003
* North West- 082 234 9004
* Free State-082 234 9005
* Northern Cape-082 234 9006
* KwaZulu Natal-082 234 9007
* Eastern Cape-082 234 9008
* Western Cape- 082 234 9009
Calls are charged at standard VAS rates.