Pretoria - Contrary to media reports, the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development says there is no intention to shut down Equality Courts.
A newspaper report recently alleged that there were moves to close down the equality courts, attributing the comments to a member of parliament.
"On the contrary, every effort is being made to ensure that these courts are fully functional and continue to serve the public," the department's spokesperson Zolile Ngqayi told BuaNews.
He urged the public to approach these courts whenever they experience cases of unfair discrimination, hate speech and harassment.
Mr Ngqayi said in the last year alone, approximately 445 equality cases were reported. The number represents a significant increase of cases from the year 2007/2008 where the number of cases reported was only 200.
"The department would like to see more people using these courts and in this regard a number of awareness campaigns are being continuously carried out in order to popularise these courts," added Mr Ngqayi.
He further said the department had intensified its educational campaigns and workshops to make the public aware of the Equality Act and equality courts.
During his Budget Vote last month Minister Jeff Radebe said that in this financial year all the magisterial districts will have designated equality courts which will go a long way in enhancing access to justice.
"Every step is being taken by the department to ensure that equality courts are fully functional," the minister said at the time