NC Premier urges people to support SKA bid

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pretoria - Acting Premier Grizelda Cjiekella has called on the people in the Northern Cape to support the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) bid.

SA is being pitted against Australia to host the SKA. The SKA Board is expected to make the final decision in the second quarter of 2012.

In her State of the Province Address on Wednesday, Cjiekella said the SKA project was a next-generation radio telescope that will be powerful enough to explore the edges of the universe.

"Scientists expect that it will deliver a wide range of discoveries in physics and cosmology, as well as result in major technological spin-offs."

Cjiekella said the SKA project attracted the brightest and most innovative young minds from South Africa and the rest of the world.

After completion, the SKA will also provide Africa with the opportunity for significant investment in skilled human resources by way of bursaries for scientists from across the continent and the training of technicians and artisans which Africa so sorely needs.

The Northern Cape has been chosen to host the SKA site in Hanover.