Cape Town - Cabinet has welcomed the establishment of the National Youth Development Agency (NYDA).
"This agency will direct the work of government and social partners in the pursuit of the goal of developing our youth," Government spokesperson Themba Maseko said on Thursday, following an ordinary meeting of cabinet.
He said the agency must move with speed to develop and share its plans and programmes on how to address the challenges facing young people in the country.
Officially launched by President Jacob Zuma on Youth Day on Tuesday, the agency is expected to advance the economic development of young people.
"It must initiate, design, co-ordinate, evaluate and monitor all programmes aimed at integrating the youth into the economy and society in general," President Zuma said, adding that it also has to develop an Integrated Youth Development Plan and Strategy without delay.
The agency was formed out of the merger of the Umsobomvu Youth Fund and the National Youth Commission.
It is mandated to improve the quality of lives of youth through collaborating with government departments to find ways to alleviate poverty, unemployment and other social ills among young people.
Its functions will include facilitating the roll-out of youth economic participation, undertake policy, research and development, provide advisory and information services and promote access to funding.
One of its challenges would be to create an environment conducive to learning, skills development, and economic participation of the youth.