Secunda – Health Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi says its time to revitalise the HIV, Counselling and Testing (HCT) Campaign, which has proved to be a powerful vehicle for the social mobilisation of the awareness on HIV and Aids and TB.
“We need to put more energy in it [revitalisation] as we did in 2010 because we need to arrive at all zeros. We also want to promote adherence to treatment,” Dr Motsoaledi said during a SANAC Plenary meeting held on Friday at Graceland Hotel in Mpumalanga.
Highlighting some of the HCT Campaign’s achievements since its launch by President Jacob Zuma in 2010, Dr Motsoaledi noted that before 2009, 2.6 million people had gone for counselling and testing, but since the launch 18 million people have been tested.
Before the HCT campaign, 539 819 patients entered into treatment while during 2011/12, 617 000 were initiated into treatment.
“Nurses, who initiated ARV treatment in 2009 were only 250 but during 2010/11, 10 542 nurses were trained and certified to initiate treatment. We are very proud and without them, I don’t think we would have been able to initiate the number of people on treatment,” Dr Motsoaledi said.
He further commended KwaZulu-Natal for being the province with the highest number of Medical Male Circumcision with 347 000 men undergone circumcision. He challenged Mpumalanga to become the second highest province to do the same by doubling that number.
Mpumalanga is ranked the second highest in HIV prevalence with Gert Sibande District having the highest HIV prevalence rate in the country.
The planned programmes for HCT Campaign revitalisation include a Health Family day launch, planned to take place on 4 May 2013, in partnership with the Rotary Club.
Political leadership are also expected to launch the campaign in parliament to be followed by provincial legislatures, districts and local government as well local municipalities.
“I want it to be launched in all churches and industrial sectors in partnership with Eskom. We need the intensification of the existing campaign in farming, higher education, business and public sectors,” Dr Motsoaledi said.
An optimistic Motsoaledi said he believes that the country will be able to reach the target of testing and putting 1.5 million new people on treatment by 2016. The target for 2013/14 is to initiate 550 000 new people on treatment.
In order for revitalisation to be achieved, Dr Motsoaledi recommended that government departments assess their state of readiness by mapping their resources, set appropriate budgets and develop capacity to conduct work place HIV, Counselling and Testing.
“SANA should strengthen its capacity to build sectors and assist sectors to develop implementation to support the HCT revitalisation. All sectors of SANAC must promote human rights cultures, respect for human rights and promote zero discrimination and stigma for people living with HIV and Aids and TB.”
Mpumalanga Premier, David Mabuza commended government, especially the President for coming in and taking the lead in fight against the scourge of HIV and Aids.
“SANAC’s work touches those living with the virus, touches households, where children lost their parents due to the virus. Its presence is encouraging for them, and as a province we would learn from their experiences,” said Mabuza. –