Pretoria - The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform has created nearly 35 000 jobs and further provided 17 279 people with various skills.
According to a statement the department said the enterprise development arm of the rural development branch generated 16 044 of these jobs, while the infrastructure development created 5 838 jobs.
National Rural Youth Service Corps
“This was reinforced with the enrolment of 12 881 rural youths into the skills training programme, National Rural Youth Service Corps (Narysec),” the department said.
Narysec youths are recruited from the 3000 rural wards between the ages of 18 and 35 years of age, irrespective of gender and the disability.
These youths are trained in various skills like waste water management, water purification, construction, electricity and agriculture so they be marketable and also that they can open up their own businesses.
Government’s aim is that the youth should be able to develop their own rural areas once they are fully skilled.
Recapitalisation, Development Programme
The department said during the past four years, another 7 000 jobs were created during its implementation of the Recapitalisation and Development Programme that saw 1 269 farms that have been lying fallow, being converted into 100 percent productive farms.
“This brings to more than 40 000 jobs that have been created by the department’s service delivery programmes.
“The various rural development jobs have come about through various rural initiatives such as building of bridges, schools, health facilities, construction of roads and other infrastructure related activities,” the department said.
The infrastructure jobs were created during the first phase of rural development at identified rural development pilot sites and the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP) sites in all nine provinces.
The department said the introduction of the second phase of rural enterprises saw a huge jump in the number of jobs created in the rural areas between 2009 and June 2012.
“During the implementation of these infrastructure and enterprise projects several rural villagers, especially the youth and the women benefitted from the skills development that went together with these projects.
“This initiative culminated into 17 279 people being skilled in various trades such brick-making, road paving, construction of houses and bridges,” the department said.
Youth benefit from agriculture programmes
According to the department, the youth benefitted immensely from agriculture programmes that were introduced by the department.
The Eastern Cape benefitted from 26 03 enterprise development jobs, plus 1971 infrastructure jobs and an intake of 2400 Narysec youths while KZN scooped a total of 5047 jobs.
The other provinces had rural development jobs of 1613 for Free State, 3993 for Gauteng, 4274 for Limpopo, 2635 for Mpumalanga, 2275 for Northern Cape, 3048 for North West and 4405 for Western Cape.
Even though the impact of the international economic downturn has depressed the property market, the activities surrounding deeds registration is buoyant and continues to play a major role in the economy, as evidenced by the monetary values of transactions which amount to trillions of rands each year.
In 2012, land registrations were effected, totaling R314 billion, whilst mortgage bonds were issued for R3.4 trillion. From 2009 to 2012 there were R9.1 trillion mortgage bonds issued. -