Pretoria - The long awaited Traditional Affairs Bill has been published in the Government Gazette for public comments, it was announced on Friday.
Minister for Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Lechesa Tsenoli, published the Bill under General Notice No 947 in Government Gazette No 36856 of 20 September 2013. A period of 60 days is allowed for the submission of written comments.
The Bill went before Cabinet on 4 September. It seeks to consolidate the National House of Traditional Leaders Act, 2009, and the Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act, 2003. The Bill also provides for matters relating to the recognition of Khoi-San communities, leadership positions and structures.
“The Bill is of particular historic value since it is the first time that draft legislation includes provisions relating to the statutory recognition of the Khoi and San communities and leaders,” the department said in a statement.
It said the other main objectives of the Bill are:
- To consolidate existing national legislation dealing with traditional leadership and as a result thereof, to repeal the National House of Traditional Leaders Act, 2009 (National House Act) and the Traditional Leadership and Governance Framework Act, 2003 (Framework Act);
- To address the limitations and inconsistencies of the two laws that are to be repealed; and
- To give recognition of the Khoi and San communities and leaders concerned, the Bill stipulates specific criteria that any such communities and leaders must meet.
“It is furthermore the intention that the existing houses of traditional leaders will in future include recognised Khoi and San leaders within the prescribed number of members of such houses.”
The Government Gazette is available online at and -