Pretoria – Cabinet has approved the National Policy on Food and Nutrition Security, the Household Food and Nutrition Security Strategy and the Fetsa Tlala Food Production intervention, which will reduce poverty amongst the nation’s most vulnerable groups.
In a statement released after the executive’s regular meeting, South Africa’s top brass said these three initiatives -- which are in line with the country’s National Development Plan -- will play a significant role in helping to end poverty and reduce inequality by the set date of 2030.
The National Policy on Food and Nutrition Security seeks to respond to the many challenges related to food insecurity in South Africa. It is supported by specific intervention strategies to tackle the challenges of household food shortages as well as increase food production.
“The Nutrition Security Strategy and the Fetsa Tlala (“end hunger”) Food production are inter-departmental programmes that underpin the Policy,” said the statement.
A launch will be conducted to unpack the policy and programmes.
Meanwhile, Cabinet has applauded the Department of Social Development on its new service delivery improvement strategy, called Project Mikondzo, which will extend the reach of social services to the poor and vulnerable in every corner of South Africa.
During Social Development Month (which is observed in October), the Department of Social Development, together with its entities -- the South African Social Security Agency and the National Development Agency -- will continue to roll out Project Mikondzo in the 1 300 poorest wards in 23 district municipalities as identified and prioritised by Cabinet.
Imbizo Focus Week
In an effort to further boost service delivery and bring government and citizens closer towards achieving their common goals, Cabinet has encouraged South Africans to participate in the upcoming Imbizo Focus Week, which will run from 7 - 13 October 2013.
“Following the success of the June 2013 National Imbizo Focus Week, this second Focus Week will provide a platform for political principals to further engage with the public.
“This period provides another avenue for citizens to engage face-to-face with Members of the Executive, to celebrate successes and to address challenges on the implementation of government programmes,” said the statement.
The venues and programme for the week will be announced closer to the time.
OECD partnership
Cabinet has also approved the Framework for South Africa’s engagement with the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) for the period 2013/14 - 2016/17.
South Africa will use this relationship to achieve three key objectives, namely: higher, inclusive economic growth (which is a prerequisite for addressing unemployment, poverty and inequality); building a skilled and capable workforce in order to support the delivery of the national development targets, and advancing the African Agenda, where South Africa will seek to exert greater influence on the global agenda, from which African economies can derive benefit.
OECD countries remain key trade and investment partners for South Africa. It is estimated that OECD countries contributed more than 65% to global GDP in 2011.
“The approach provides a framework for government departments to manage their respective engagements with the OECD. This enhanced coordination in government would enable optimal benefits to be derived from the partnership,” said Cabinet. –