Pretoria – North West Premier Thandi Modise is expected to report back on the findings of a Commission on Inquiry set up to investigate the management of the royalties and or income derived from mining companies and alleged activities of corruption and maladministration of the funds of the Rankotea community.
The premier received the commission’s final report on Monday from Judge Herbert Hendler. On Tuesday, she said she would expedite the announcement of the report’s findings and implementation of the recommendations.
“In receiving the report Premier Modise undertook to study the report and action its recommendations. The premier emphasised the significance of presenting the report to the Rankotea community as a matter of urgency and that the report to be presented to the Rankotea community should be translated into Setswana so as to accommodate all residents of Rankotea,” the premier’s spokesperson Lesiba Moses Kgwele said.
He said family members of the joint co-owners, the family representatives and the residents of Rankotea who had participated in public hearings conducted by the Commission of inquiry to complete outstanding work after it was appointed by Premier Modise to resume its work.
The commission was initially appointed in 2008 by then Premier Edna Molewa in terms of the North West Commissions Act and it completed its work four months ago, despite two adjournments.
Among its terms of reference, the commission had also investigated:
- the functionality of the Executive Committee if any and other committees or subcommittees entrusted with the general management of the affairs of the community.
- to collect and examine information relating to the administration and management of the financial affairs of the community.
- the cause of continuous battles between all committees that were ever elected or appointed and recommend scenarios to be considered to ensure non-recurrence of such problems.
Kgwele said on completing its investigations, the commission had to make recommendations to Modise on any proposed actions and/or steps to be taken to prevent the mismanagement of the funds of the community, including the appropriate financial and management structures that must be put in place for future management of the funds and general administration thereof.
He said the secretariat of the commission was finalising arrangements regarding dates on which the report will be presented to the community of Rankotea by Premier Modise.
“After all arrangements have been completed an announcement on the date, time and venue for the presentation of the report to the community of Rankotea shall be made through print and electronic media,” said Kgwele. –