Pretoria – Residents in Mnquma Local Municipality in the Eastern Cape will get to play their part in helping the country prevent water wastage when he War on Leaks campaign is launched there next week.
Deputy Minister of Water and Environmental Affairs, Rejoice Mabudafhasi, will on Tuesday, 8 April, launch the War on Waste and War on Leaks projects in Butterworth.
Through the War on Leaks project, the Department of Water Affairs (DWA) fixes water leaks in households, government institutions such as hospitals, clinics, schools, education. It also promotes awareness about water conservation, and creates work and business opportunities and skills development for young people.
The Mnquma War on Leaks project has been allocated a budget of R2.2 million and 33 local youth have being roped in to roll out this project.
The launch of these projects will be used to profile the work that the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) is doing to preserve the environment and create job opportunities, as well as what the DWA is doing to fight water loss through War on Leaks project.
“The DEA supports environmentally friendly infrastructure development in local government, and provides funds to help facilitate this development. This support is through projects such as War on Waste.
“The projects encourage municipalities to identify environmental projects that can enhance their service delivery and submit applications to be considered for funding,” said the DEA on Friday.
During the project funding window, Mnquma Municipality submitted a proposal for the War on Waste project and it was approved by the department for an amount of just over R23 million.
The project is aimed at dealing with waste management in the municipality. It also aims to address the challenge of environmental degradation, while ensuring that it keeps job creation and skills development, through the use of SMMEs, at the heart of implementation.
Prior to the official launch on Tuesday, the Deputy Minister will fix leaking taps at Msobomvu Flats and Vulindlela Primary School at 10am. –