Pretoria – The Free State province is going all out to increase economic relations with the international community.
“We shall step up our existing cooperation with partners in Asia, Europe and other parts of both the developed and the developing world,” said Free State Premier Ace Magashule.
Delivering the budget vote speech for the Office of the Premier on Tuesday, Premier Magashule said they will maximise cooperation with countries such as Cuba, the People’s Republic of China, India, Turkey and Belgium.
“We shall establish new cooperation relations with countries such as Russia, South Korea, Malaysia, France and others.
“In line with the African Agenda, we must strengthen our cooperation with our neighbouring country, the Kingdom of Lesotho, and other African countries for mutual development, and the promotion of trade and tourism into the province…
“[This will] bring about much needed investment that will help create jobs for the unemployed, especially women, youth and people with disabilities, to ensure that Vision 2030 is [achieved],” Premier Magashule said.
He said his province is embracing President Jacob Zuma’s call to move South Africa forward.
Premier Magashule said in the current Medium Term Strategic Framework period, 2014-2019, more government resources will focus on economic growth.
“The achievement of the priorities we have identified will depend largely on efficient mechanisms and available resources for accelerated service delivery,” he said, adding that education, health, fighting crime and corruption will still be high priorities. –