Pretoria - South Africa has come a long way in stabilising the domestic security situation that also created the conditions for democracy to flourish, says State Security Minister David Mahlobo.
Delivering his Budget Vote in Parliament on Wednesday, Minister Mahlobo said government has also created a space for citizens to exercise their constitutional rights.
“At the same time, we have also contributed significantly to the security of the Southern African region and the African continent,” he said.
Minister Mahlobo said the country has made significant strides in the journey that started 20 years ago.
“We have managed to undergo a far reaching first phase of our democratic transition. During this phase, we have restored people’s dignity, ensured that government is based on the will of the people and the lives of many have been improved.
“South Africa is indeed now a better place to live in than it was before 1994. We are, however, the first to admit that despite our achievements, a lot more still needs to be done,” he said.
Minister Mahlobo said the democratic government was also able to bring to an end political violence, eliminate urban terrorism, bring right-wing extremism under control as well as make an incalculable contribution to the security of all major national events since the dawn of democracy.
He said the State Security Agency (SSA) will continue to build on these proud achievements of the past 20 years.
“Through this journey, we have learned from a number of challenges that we have experienced. We are not oblivious to the complexity of the task at hand. We remain committed to delivering on the vision we have set for ourselves,” he said.
2030 goals
“We have set ourselves targets that by 2030, people living in South Africa feel safe at home, school and work, and they enjoy community life free of fear. Women must walk freely in our streets and children play safely outside.
“With respect to corruption, the anti-corruption agencies must have adequate resources and be properly capacitated and corruption radically reduced by 2030,” he said.
The SSA, working within the Criminal Justice System, will play a significant role in realising the National Development Plan (NDP) vision and Medium Term Strategic Framework (MTSF) objectives by ensuring:
- An efficient and effective criminal justice system;
- South Africa’s borders are effectively defended, protected, secured and well managed;
- A secure cyber space;
- Domestic stability, and
- Corruption in the public and private sectors is reduced.
The SSA, within the International Cooperation Trade and Security (ICTS) Cluster, will ensure:
- South Africa’s national priorities are advanced;
- Political cohesion within Southern Africa to ensure a peaceful, secure and stable Southern Africa region;
- A peaceful, secure and stable Africa;
- A sustainable, developed and economically integrated Africa;
- Strong, mutually beneficially South-South cooperation; and
- Beneficial relations with strategic formations of the North.