Annual crime stats expected this month

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Pretoria - The police will this month release the annual crime statistics, Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation, Jeff Radebe, announced on Thursday.

Addressing a post-Cabinet briefing in Cape Town, the Minister said the figures will reflect successes and challenges.

He said the statistics were based on the actual number of cases reported to the police.

“The publication of these figures allows us to engage in informed discussion on how to strengthen the partnerships with society around government’s comprehensive anti-crime strategic interventions,” Minister Radebe said.

For the country to be successful in fighting crime, he said Cabinet has urged communities to play their part in reporting crime and supporting community safety forums as the fight against crime calls for community-wide effort.

Tribute to police who lost their lives

Meanwhile, Minister Radebe announced that on Sunday, government will honour and pay tribute to police officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty.

“Cabinet invites the nation to pay tribute to the officers, who died while trying to enforce the law,” Minister Radebe said.

Minister Radebe added that Cabinet had commended the recent arrests and seizures under Project Darling and the arrest of a gang suspects of truck hijackings.

“Project Darling has resulted in the recovery of illegal diamonds and the seizures of R50 million in assets, 15 homes and R43 million in foreign currency,” Minister Radebe said. –