Government increases drought relief efforts

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Pretoria - Government has added R96.6 million to the initial R352.6 million set aside to support South Africa’s drought relief efforts, says Minister in the Presidency for Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation Jeff Radebe.

At a post Cabinet briefing on Thursday, the Minister said this includes the purchase of 45 water tankers for the distribution of water to affected areas, borehole drilling and rehabilitation, water conservation and demand management, and water source augmentations.

He said Cabinet supports the actions of the Government Committee of Ministers on Water Scarcity and Drought to mitigate the effects of the drought, and urges communities to use water sparingly in order to secure future supply. 

“The Department of Rural Development and Land Reform will in the worst affected regions allow the relocation of livestock onto state-owned land where there is still better pasture.

“In addition, the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs has coordinated with Mayors to implement various water saving measures under the guidance of the Department of Water and Sanitation,” said Minister Radebe.

The water saving measures include introducing water restrictions, monitoring adherence to water restrictions, applying penalties where necessary, prioritising the repair of water leaks, promoting water-efficient technologies such as low-flush toilet cisterns, rainwater harvesting and the use of grey water for irrigation. -