Pretoria - A program has been initiated to speed up the building of police stations to service rural areas nationally, says President Jacob Zuma.
Addressing the community of uMzinyathi on Friday during a sitting of the National Council of Provinces on Friday, Zuma said that 30 more police stations will be built in the rural areas across the country.
"uMzinyathi will be among the areas prioritised and considered, in the light of the serious concerns raised," Zuma said, adding that the SAPS Provincial Commissioner had also been asked to extend the working hours of the current satellite stations in Ward 2 from 12 to 24 hour service.
Government was aware of difficulties facing the community in uMzinyathi, which has 60 percent unemployment rate and about 65 percent of the population aged between 15-65 years who have no form of income.
Zuma acknowledged that people were still struggling with running water, a lack of education and health facilities and infrastructure. He tasked the government departments to gear their programmes towards promoting income generating activities.
"The rural development programmes, establishment of cooperatives, agriculture and tourism are some of the activities that can improve lives and the economic situation in this area."
He announced that a number of housing projects were being rolled out in the area while some are planned for the future.
On education, Zuma said through the "Access to Education" Campaign, the Department of Women, Children and People with Disabilities was coordinating with the provincial Education Department to ensure access to education for all children who stay far away from schools, such as those living on farms.
In addition, learners will be assisted with scholar transport to take them to schools while schools in the Mzinyathi area will be provided with mobile units to serve as classrooms, library, laboratory, served with water and sanitation, and be fenced properly.
The Department of Social Development is also auditing facilities in the province with a view to increasing them where necessary, Ke Moja youth anti-drug programme will also be launched to intervene in Nondweni Ward 10.