Pretoria - South Africa is taking part in the 60th Session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (CSW), which is currently underway at the UN headquarters in New York.
A number South African women Ministers are participating in the CSW, including Minister of Small Business Development Lindiwe Zulu, Labour Minister Mildred Oliphant, Minister of Defence and Military Veterans Nosiviwe Mapisa-Nqakula, Minister of Environmental Affairs Edna Molewa, Social Development Minister Bathabile Dlamini, as well as Minister in the Presidency responsible for Women, Susan Shabangu.
2016 is a critical year for the UN CSW as it marks the 69th anniversary since its formation in February 1947. It is also an important year for South Africa because it marks three important milestones, including the 20th anniversary of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 40th anniversary of the Soweto Youth Uprising, as well as the 60th anniversary of the 1956 Women’s March.
CSW60, which is taking place from 14 - 24 March 2016, has been convened under the theme ‘Women’s empowerment and the link to sustainable development’.
The session is shaped by the 20th anniversary of the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action; the Addis Ababa Action Agenda of the Third International Conference on Financing for Development (General Assembly resolution 69/313); and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Assembly resolution 70/1).
About CSW60
CSW60 is attended by representatives of UN member states, UN entities and UN Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)-accredited NGOs.
The CSW programme is divided into two distinct but inter-related sessions, namely: the high level ministerial segment or formal CSW session, and the NGO Forum, which is in the main informal session.
The high level ministerial segment will dedicate time to identifying priorities for future action to realise gender equality, the empowerment of women and the human rights of women and girls.
Ministers will participate in various panels where the following will be tackled: strengthening normative, legal and policy frameworks; enhancing national institutional arrangements; fostering enabling environments for financing gender equality and women’s empowerment; strengthening women’s leadership and supporting women’s civil society organisations, and strengthening gender-responsive data collection, follow-up and review, monitoring and accountability processes. –