Minister welcomes new National Commissioner

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Pretoria - Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa has welcomed Mangwashi Victoria Phiyega as the new National Commissioner of Police.

President Jacob Zuma announced her appointment this afternoon in Pretoria.

"On behalf of myself as the Minister of Police, the Deputy Minister of Police Maggie Sotyu, the senior police management and the entire SAPS family, we welcome her to the SAPS family. We will give her all the necessary support to ensure that we collectively continue to deal a blow to crime," said the minister.

Mthethwa said that Phiyega took over the reins at a time when government had prioritised and intensified the fight against crime. "A time when despite the successes we have attained as a collective, we believe that more still needs to be done," he said.

"Based on her previous and current expertise, Phiyega brings wealth of experience on strategic leadership and sound management background, both from public service and private sector.

"We believe such vast experience will stand her in good stead as she steers the SAPS towards better compliance, systems integration, effective and greater accountability," said Mthethwa.

He added that her appointment as the first black female National Commissioner of the SAPS indicated government's serious commitment to transformation of the police.