Pretoria - Public servants will no longer be allowed to do business with the Eastern Cape Government, Premier Noxolo Kiviet has announced.
Speaking at the conclusion of the mid-year provincial lekgotla in East London on Thursday, Kiviet said the move was aimed at addressing corruption.
"The lekgotla has decided to put a stop to this practice of civil servants doing business with government because it creates unfair competition and opens government to corrupt tendencies. People have a choice to make. Either you are a business person or you are a civil servant," she said.
The Office of the Premier is expected to develop the necessary policy and will consult with the affected parties during the process.
The lekgotla also welcomed the executive committee's approval of about R56 million to employ scarce skills - maths and science - educators.
The premier said this would create stability and improve education outcomes in the province.
The two-day lekgotla was attended by executive mayors and municipal managers of district and metropolitan municipalities, heads of departments and CEOs of public entities in the province.
The purpose of the lekgotla was to assess progress in the implementation of previous resolutions and to review the existing plans in preparation for the 2012/13 financial year and the Medium Term Expenditure Framework.