Citizens encouraged to assist in fight against corruption

Friday, February 17, 2017

Pretoria – Members of the public have been urged to help government fight against corruption in both the public and private sector so that the country can realise economic transformation.

Public Service and Administration Deputy Minister Ayanda Dlodlo on Friday convened an Imbizo in Mamelodi, in the east of Pretoria, to interact with residents about issues affecting the community.

“Let us fight corruption wherever we see it, not only in the public sector but in the private sector as well,” said the Deputy Minister, responding to a question from a community member about unfinished construction projects in Mamelodi.

Residents were concerned that construction companies in the community hired illegal migrants because they regard them as cheap labour. This, they said, is one of the factors contributing to the high unemployment rate among youth in the area.

They also told the Deputy Minister that they were unhappy that youth from other provinces seem to find jobs in Gauteng, while Gauteng natives had the same qualifications but struggled to get placed in government jobs.

In response, the Deputy Minister urged the youngsters to explore creating jobs for themselves and their communities as job opportunities are scarce in the country.

The Imbizo was held for the community and government to explore possible solutions to existing problems.

Other issues affecting the community include basic services and infrastructure development, economic growth and development. Residents also raised concerns over housing, provision of electricity and infrastructure.

They were worried that they had to travel to the city centre to access government services and information,, while services should be brought to them.

The Deputy Minister told residents that she did not visit their community to make promises but to listen, to take note of the issues raised and to come back to the community and give feedback on work that has been done.

She was accompanied by officials from various government departments including Social Development, Justice and Correctional Services, and South African Police Services, among (SAPS) others, who noted of questions and issues relevant to their departments.

She said she will return to the community in February next year to give feedback on issues that were raised. -