Government, labour and business have spoken out in a united voice against corruption and the negative effects it has on economic growth.
Representatives of these three sectors met on Friday at the 22nd National Economic Development and Labour Council (Nedlac) Summit in Kempton Park, Gauteng.
Addressing the gathering, Deputy President Cyril Ramaphosa said unless corruption and patronage are dealt with, radical economic transformation, growth stimulation and job creation will remain pipe dreams.
“Corruption impedes growth and redistribution… Either we confront corruption decisively and deliberately and thereby nurture the green shoots of an economic recovery, or we allow corrupt practices to continue unchecked and consign our people to poverty for generations to come.
“This is the time when we must take a stand as business, government, labour and community to end wrongdoing, punish those responsible and recover stolen resources,” Deputy President Ramaphosa said.
Nedlac is a body which seeks to address the challenges of creating sustainable economic growth for poverty alleviation and job creation.
Deputy President said corruption and unethical conduct threaten the country’s shared future. He impressed upon Nedlac to position itself as the spearhead of an ethical economy.
“As social partners, we proceed from the understanding that public budgets are a democratic instrument by which we can better the lives of citizens, stimulate growth and provide socio-economic infrastructure.
“Fruitless and wasteful expenditure should therefore not be viewed only through the prism of administrative efficiency, but through the prism of social development and shared prosperity,” he said.
Business Unity South Africa (BUSA) representative Martin Kingston said corruption needs to be addressed decisively.
“Corruption is a significant barrier to South Africa’s sustainable economic, political and social progress. The negative impact of corruption on the economy and on South Africa’s ability to deliver inclusive growth and transformation cannot be ignored.
“Corruption not only discourages long-term investment, it also increases the risk of further sovereign downgrades. Corruption will continue to go unchecked until proper accountability, transparency and credible oversight measures are put into place. It’s important for business to take decisive action to root out corruption. Integrity needs to be entrenched,” said Kingston.
He said BUSA has agreed to embed a culture of zero tolerance for corruption.
Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu) General Secretary Bheki Ntshalintshali said good governance is a prerequisite for all organisations.
“Be it faith-based organisations, trade unions and government, none of these organisations can stand aloof and claim that they are immune to the accusation of a lack of good governance (sic),” said Ntshalintsali. -