A 33-year-old police detective constable, stationed at Saselamani police station in Malamulele, Limpopo, was arrested on Thursday for alleged corruption.
The provincial Hawks said on Friday the suspect allegedly demanded R1200 from a suspect whom he had arrested for possession of suspected stolen property in exchange for bail.
It was further alleged that the suspect went to the complainant’s wife and demanded R1200.
The Hawks said the complainant reported the matter to the police after his bail was fixed to R30 000 instead of the R1200 he allegedly gave to the suspect.
The suspect will appear before the Malamulele Magistrate’s Court on corruption charges.
Meanwhile, the Hawks have welcomed the conviction of Conrad Taruwona.
The 24-year-old was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment for the unlawful possession of explosives by the Musina Regional Court on Thursday.
The accused was arrested at Beitbridge in April last year after he was found in possession of 100 caped fuses and 100 detonators by police during a routine search.
The matter was referred to the Hawks for further investigation and through a multi-disciplinary approach, the team made sure that the suspect was not granted bail.
The Provincial Head of the Hawks Brigadier Nare Mabotja has thanked the members and all other role players for attaining the sentence. – SAnews.gov.za