Saartjie Baartman Centre assisted on Mandela Day

Friday, July 19, 2019

Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Patricia de Lille spent 67 minutes of her Mandela Day on Thursday at Athlone in Cape Town, where she donated 20 computers to the Saartjie Baartman Centre for Women and Children.

The Minister, accompanied by the staff members in the department, spent the day doing a range of activities with the women and the children at the centre including gardening, pruning, lifting of trees, mowing grass, weeding and filling up open spaces in gardens with plants.

There was also a general cleaning operation, unblocking of the main sewer and storm water drains and a carpet was laid at the day care centre.

De Lille said the department's assistance will not end on Mandela Day, but continue into the future.

The department will allocate 10 Expanded Public Works Programme (EPWP) participants to provide services such as care, gardening and cleaning.

She said Mandela Day should be celebrated every day to make a difference in the lives of various communities.

This year marks 10 years since the campaign began and this year’s Mandela Day theme is "Action against poverty”.

Meanwhile, Deputy Minister Noxolo Kiviet commemorated the day at iKhaya lo Xolo Old Age Home in Gugulethu, Cape Town.

She made a commitment that the department will recruit 30 EPWP participants who will provide services such as administration, cleaning and cooking.

The DPWI staff who accompanied the Deputy Minister spent the day painting, gardening and cleaning at the old age home. The department also donated 30 curtains to the old age home.

In attendance of both departmental Mandela Day events was the Director General Advocate Sam Vukela who thanked the staff of the department for their contribution in making Mandela Day a success. –