Five officers arrested for corruption

Monday, December 9, 2019

Five police officials are among eight suspects who are this morning expected to appear before the Pietermaritzburg Magistrate’s Court on corruption charges.

In a statement, the Hawks said the suspects, aged between 30 and 50, were arrested on Friday for allegedly colluding with private ambulance services and tow truck companies.

“The eight were arrested on Thursday after information surfaced in February 2018 that the police members were allegedly colluding with private ambulance services and tow truck companies,” said the Hawks.

“These afforded the companies unfair advantage and prejudiced other service providers. In return it is alleged the suspects received inducements from the companies,” said KwaZulu-Natal Hawks spokesperson Captain Simphiwe Mhlongo.

The Hilton 10111 Call Centre stationed officers were arrested by members of the Hawks’ Pietermaritzburg Serious Organised Crime and Crime Intelligence.

More arrests are expected, the Hawks said. –