No load shedding in four consecutive days

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

With a drop in demand during the holiday period and a return of some generating units to service, Eskom is not expecting to implement load shedding today.

“Eskom will continue to use emergency reserves to supplement capacity if necessary over this period,” said the power utility on Wednesday.

Eskom has not load shed in four consecutive days. However, it reminded customers that the system continues to be vulnerable and unpredictable, with the possibility of load shedding remaining.

“Our technical teams will continue to work over the holiday period to monitor the situation and to work at reducing unplanned breakdowns to below 9 500MW to enable us to minimise the risk of load shedding,” it said.

Eskom appealed to customers to reduce demand, as a concerted collective effort can help to avoid or lessen the level of load shedding. –