East London - East London National Union of Metal Workers (Numsa) members braved torrential downpours to gather outside their employers' gates as part of a nationwide strike.
Numsa workers are demanding a 13 percent wage increase.
Numsa regional spokesperson Patrick Sewu said the strike came into full effect today and that there was a total stayaway by all Numsa members from work in East London.
"Most of our workers are in debt. They will want to go back to work to be able to pay their bills. We want them to continue with the strike and not worry," said Sewu.
Ultra Pack East London worker, Mzwandile Dali, said his employers didn't give him the day off yesterday to attend a Numsa rally, so he decided he wouldn't go to work today.
"We are not embarking on this strike because we are lazy. We want to be taken seriously," said Dali.
He said he and fellow Numsa members would be visiting factories in East London to ensure nobody works until an agreement is reached with employers.
Appliance manufacturer Defy East London's branch manager, Kevin Goodrum, said none of their employees came into work today.
"Even the distribution warehouse is not operational. None of our workers turned up," said Goodrum.
He said many workers didn't support the strike, but had no choice other than to go along with the strike for fear they might be intimidated.