The Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) has refuted allegations that Minister Lindiwe Sisulu and Director-General Mbulelo Tshangana are at odds with one another.
The allegation that the two are at odds stems from a recent weekend newspaper report pertaining to the appointment of Dr Les Konar to carry out inspective work at Lepelle Northern Water Board in Limpopo and Mr Piet Pieterse at Amatola Water Board in the Eastern Cape.
In a statement on Tuesday, the department said Sisulu appointed Konar’s company, Outsourced Risk and Compliance Assessment (ORCA), to do investigations into Lepelle Northern Water.
“Factually, the Minister did appoint Dr Konar as an individual and not ORCA. ORCA was appointed by Lepelle Northern Water, as per its own supply chain management mechanisms,” said the DWS.
The appointment of Koner was as stipulated in Section 45 of Water Services Act.
“It should further be reiterated that Minister Sisulu and Director-General Tshangana are well aware that the appointment of companies is regulated by the Public Finance Management Act (PFMA) and it is done through a bidding process," the department said.
The newspaper article also alleged that Konar has done work for the department at Amatola Water Board in the Eastern Cape.
This, said the DWS, is incorrect, as Konar was contracted to only work at Lepelle Northern Water.
“The Department of Water and Sanitation noted with regret these allegations, which are misleading. The department, as led by Director-General Tshangana, is disturbed by this unfortunate turn of events, which have led to a blight on the Minister’s name, which is causing an embarrassment for the Minister.
"The department unreservedly apologises to the Minister for the embarrassment caused,” said the department.
The DWS said Sisulu is determined to root out corruption within the department.
“It should also be noted that since taking office, Minister Sisulu is determined to root out corruption in the Department of Water and Sanitation and she is still on this mission, working closely and in collaboration with DG Tshangana as the Accounting Officer,” it said. -