Summit to address police killings

Friday, July 1, 2011

Pretoria - The Police Ministry will host a summit on police killings in a bid to find ways of dealing with the problem.

Community policing forums, business, civic organisations, media, research and academic institutions, and a number of NGOs will come together at the summit to share their expertise and help government tackle the issue, Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa announced on Thursday.

"There is a war out there, which...has been declared by criminals on society and police; and the society in this instance is on the side of the police. We are therefore calling upon all these different sectors, particularly to draw from their scientific, qualitative, personal and academic expertise on how we can all tackle this challenge of the killing of our members," he said.

Police would also examine the existing strategies and systems in place to evaluate their effectiveness, he added.

The summit will take place next week Friday, July 8, at Boksburg Birchwood Conference Centre.

Mthethwa, Deputy Police Minister Maggie Sotyu, National Police Commissioner General Bheki Cele, and representatives from civic organisations will be among the speakers.

A summit pledge will be also be signed by stakeholders to ensure that agreements reached during the summit are implemented.