The Portfolio Committee on Public Works and Infrastructure will on Thursday resume a four-day public consultation programme in the Western Cape to gather public input on the Expropriation Bill.
The first leg of the hearings will be hosted by Cederberg Municipality at Cathy Johnson Community Hall.
The purpose of the Expropriation Bill is to repeal the existing Expropriation Act of 1975, to provide a common framework in line with the Constitution to guide the processes and procedures for the expropriation of property by organs of state.
The bill also seeks to provide for certain instances where expropriation with nil compensation may be appropriate in the public interest.
Committee chairperson Nolitha Ntobongwana said Parliament has a constitutional obligation to facilitate and enhance public access to the legislation-making process and to improve public participation, hence the committee resolved to visit all the provinces to garner public views on the proposed legislation.
“The intention of the public hearings is to enrich the Bill and to ensure that it is responsive to the views and needs of individuals and groups,” Ntobongwana said.
NC, FS hearings put on ice amid increases in COVD-19 cases
Meanwhile, Ntobongwana said the committee has taken a resolution to postpone hearings in the Northern Cape and Free State, as the provinces are experiencing increases in COVID-19 infections.
"After the completion of the Western Cape leg of the hearings, the committee will pause its programme until the rate of infections is under control in both Northern Cape and Free State,” the chairperson said.
She said the committee decided to hold hearings during the week and at weekends to afford many citizens and stakeholders an opportunity to participate in the hearings.
“The committee is mindful that the scheduled public hearings will take place during the Adjusted Alert Level 2 lockdown regulations and has taken due regard to ensure adherence to COVID-19 guidelines and regulations. In line with the announcement made by the President, the committee will adhere to the regulated 100 participants in a venue at any given time," Ntobongwana said.
The programme for the hearings can be downloaded using this link: https://tinyurl.com/4drdu9ac - SAnews.gov.za