Pretoria - Funding from the Department of Sport and Recreation to national federations will from this year be divided into two tiers - namely guaranteed and conditional.
This was announced by Minister Fikile Mbalula during his Budget Vote in Parliament on Friday.
He said the conditional funding will be outcome based. "The measurement will be as per the transformation score-card as outlined in the [department's] National Sport and Recreation Plan as well as good corporate governance and value for money," said Mbalula.
The minister said the department had instructed all national federations to submit bids that have programmes and projects which address schools and tertiary participation, as well as demonstrate effectiveness and sustainability.
"All these programmes must demonstrate improvement of the national federations intended progression in terms of their ranking in Africa and the World. We are from this year committing to a four-year funding drive for all these programmes and projects in order to reach our stated goals of Vision 2020."
He said this would ensure that in the coming years, South Africa would be a "really active and winning sporting nation that has a people living healthy lifestyles and participating en mass in international sporting competitions".
He said it would also assist in adhering to the quota system as agreed by the National Sport and Recreation Indaba using a developmental approach as contained in the revised Transformation Charter.
"This will be difficult and cannot happen if South Africa has a skewed distribution of sport and recreation facilities and there is a disjuncture between national, provincial and local government," said the minister.
Mbalula also announced that together with the Department of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs and the South African Local Government Association, they were working towards hosting the first ever Municipal Sport and Recreation Conference towards the end of May.
He said the conference will provide an opportunity to present the National Sport Recreation Plan to all the municipalities in the country.
The conference is aimed at resolving on measures to address the issues of Funding of Sport Facilities, Access to Sport and Recreation Facilities, Norms and Standards of Sport and Recreation Facilities and Municipal Games and the Pathways of Teams and Athletes that participates in these games.