As dam levels remain high following heavy rains and floods in KwaZulu-Natal, two of the province’s dam levels remain on the radar of the Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS).
The department said it has prioritised maintenance at Ntshingwayo and Pongolapoort Dams to prevent overflow.
Department spokesperson, Sputnik Ratau, said Ntshingwayo Dam, with the town of Newcastle being the closest, is currently at 82% of its capacity.
He said the release from the dam now is at 23.43 cumecs (cubic metre per second, as a unit of rate of flow of water), which is in line with the 80% operating rule.
“The second dam on the DWS radar is Pongolapoort Dam, famously known as Jozini Dam, is currently at 86%. According to the 85% operating rule for the dam, the DWS should be releasing 38 mᶟ/s but 20 mᶟ/s (cubic meter per second) is being released currently,” Ratau said in a statement.
The lower release, Ratau said, is to allow for the security of the infrastructure, while downstream communities have been informed accordingly.
“Communication to communities downstream is essential as it ensures the protection of lives and livelihoods. Once that communication is done and people are in the light, there is a possibility of the release from Pongolapoort Dam to be raised to the required 38 cumecs.
“All sleeve valves are available to release the required amount of water. However, it should be noted that the river will overflow when the release of 38mᶟ/s and thus the importance of communication to communities downstream who may be flooded if this happens without notice,” Ratau said.
Meanwhile, the Vaal Dam opened one sluice gate this morning and another in the afternoon, bringing the total number of sluice gates opened at the Vaal to seven. – SAnews.gov.za