Pretoria - Africa's overall trade flows and boosting intra-Africa trade will feature high on the agenda of the 7th Ordinary Conference of Ministers of Trade, which kicks off in Accra, Ghana, today.
South African Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Thandi Tobias-Pokolo is to participate in the conference.
"The ministers' discussions will be dominated by the issues pertaining to Africa's overall trade flows and the potential for boosting intra-African trade by addressing key priority areas for moving the agenda forward," said the department on Thursday.
These priority areas will form the elements of an action plan that member states will implement to enhance intra-African trade from the current levels of around 13% to 25% or more within the next decade.
This would make intra-African trade a driver of development and regional integration, in much the same way as regions such as the European Union and Asia.
The conference is a forerunner to the 2012 AU Summit of Heads of State and Government, which will focus on the theme of 'Boosting Intra-Africa Trade'. The theme stems from a recommendation from the 6th Ordinary Session of the AU Ministers of Trade held last year to fast track the establishment of a Pan-African free trade agreement.
"The establishment of an agreement will lead to a significant growth of intra-Africa trade and assist Africa to use trade more effectively as an engine of growth and sustainable development," noted the department.
The conference ends on Saturday.