Cabinet wishes Class of 2011 good luck

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Pretoria - With just 11 days to go before the start of the National Senior Certificate examinations, Cabinet has wished the Class of 2011 well.

"These learners are the cornerstones of the future of this country and as a nation, we collectively wish each and every Grade 12 learner well as they embark on the writing of this crucial examination," Cabinet spokesperson Jimmy Manyi said on Thursday, briefing the media on Cabinet's ordinary meeting.

He said Cabinet called on all South Africans to support the matrics as they prepare for the exams.

"The examination not only signifies the culmination of 12 years of formal schooling, but is also one of the key barometers that indicate the state of health of our education system."

He said there was a total of 512 000 full time candidates - who had gone through 12 years of nurturing and guidance under the supportive watch of their teachers and parents - who have registered and will sit for their final examinations as from 24 October.

A further 108 000 part time learners will also sit for the examination.