More S Africans submit tax returns

Friday, December 3, 2010

Pretoria - An encouraging four million tax returns have been submitted to the South African Revenue Service (SARS) - a one percent increase from 2009.

The deadline for South Africans to file their non- provisional tax returns was 26 November.

"The response by taxpayers to the 2010 Tax Season reflects an increase of 4.25 percent of taxpayers who have filed their tax returns on time," said SARS spokesperson Adrian Lackay.

Of the returns received, 2.7 million were assessed within 24 hours, an 18 percent improvement from 2009. Up to 95 percent of returns were submitted electronically.

There was an increase of 13 percent in total refunds issued by the taxman to the tune of R11.9 billion. Of the funds issued by SARS, 79 percent were paid within 48 hours.

The SARS call centre handled over three million calls over the tax season.
"These recorded figures are preliminary outcomes of the 2010 Tax Season, since provisional taxpayers have until 31 January 2011 to submit their returns to SARS.

"What the preliminary figures illustrate is that SARS is continuing to improve its efficiency and services to taxpayers, develop its capability to effectively process higher numbers of tax returns and improve its turn-around times," said Lackay.

SARS assisted 1.56 million taxpayers at branch offices and various other service points during the Tax Season, which began on 1 July 2010.