Police Minister, General Bheki Cele, has launched the National Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (NATJOINTS) Coordination Centre - days ahead of the country's National and Provincial General Elections.
“The NATJOINTS Coordination Centre (NCC) is born from past experiences learnt, when government formulated a coordinated response to the COVID-19 pandemic… as government we soon realised the importance of reconfiguring the way we would deal with the challenges of the deadly virus, as a collective. The NCC underpins the ‘whole of government’ approach to the country’s security,” said the Minister, speaking at the official opening of the NCC, based at the country’s largest training college of the South African Police Service, situated west of Pretoria.
He said the opening of the NCC also came just days before the country prepares for the National and Provincial Elections, on 29 May 2024.
“So while the timing of the opening may be opportune, establishing a nerve centre of such magnitude, to house the National Joint Operational Intelligence Structures, has been a long time coming.”
The centre serves as a central point of contact for the coordination of information.
“It is here where the reporting of incidents and swift, prompt and coordinated response to any and every eventuality within the mandate of NATJOINTS will unfold.
“We are told that this building that houses the NCC has been renovated and repurposed to meet all needs and purposes. This process has taken four months,” Cele said.
Cele said meetings of the NATJOINTS and the Justice, Crime Prevention and Security (JCPS) Directors General as well as the Priority Committees and work streams established by the NATJOINTS will take place in the NCC.
“The building layout not only accommodates the National Joint Operational Centre (NATJOC) but also facilities to accommodate one or more Mission Area Joint Operational Centres, known as MAJOC,” he said.
He said the centre has been fitted with the necessary equipment and machinery as well as technology advancements to ensure all agencies work seamlessly “with agility and in unison against any and every threat that may face the country”.
“The facility is fitted with state-of-the-art data network and communication systems as well as audio visual and advanced technical capabilities. Basically, at all times this facility will ensure that optimal situational awareness is never compromised.
“Such is critical for strategic, operational and tactical decision making and command direction of intelligence structures,” the Minister said.
The NCC will serve as the epicentre for the planning of all major events across the country, including the upcoming elections as well as the Presidential inauguration.
“Once fully operational, including for the coming election operations, the NCC will accommodate representatives from 39 government departments, agencies, state-owned enterprises and private sector stakeholders within the NATJOC,” he said.
Post-elections, the NCC will continue to be utilised on a 24/7 and 365 basis as the main centre for NATJOINTS inter-departmental and inter-governmental activities and operations.
“This will benefit citizens of this country who can be assured that the NATJOINTS remains committed to service and protects law-abiding citizens and all those who live within our borders,” the minister said.
Attending the event, was Police Deputy Minister Cassel Mathale, National Police Commissioner Fannie Masemola, Home Affairs Minister, Dr Aaron Motsoaledi, Defence Minister Thandi Modise, Social Development Minister Lindiwe Zulu as well as senior government officials. – SAnews.gov.za