Setting priorities for the seventh administration

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Minister in the Presidency Khumbudzo Ntshavheni has outlined the process that the Government of National Unity (GNU) will undertake to set government’s priorities and programme of action for the seventh administration.

This comes after the swearing-in ceremony of the new members of the National Executive that took place on Wednesday, 3 July 2024.

Addressing a media briefing on Thursday, the Minister said the government’s priorities and programme of action will be articulated in the Medium-Term Strategic Framework (MTSF), which is normally guided by the election manifesto of the governing party. However, in this case of the GNU, a unique case for government, this will be guided by the election manifestos of the 11 parties to the GNU. 

WATCH | Media briefing on the GNU


To give effect to the signed Statement of Intent as signed by parties to the GNU, the Forum of South African Directors-General (FOSAD), which is chaired by the Director-General in The Presidency, has undertaken the work of analysing the manifestoes of parties to the GNU.

After thorough scrutiny, the Directors-General will then submit a proposal for consideration and adoption at the Cabinet Lekgotla scheduled for Thursday to Friday (11-12 July).

NDP: A compass to guide 

The Minister explained that the ultimate "filter" that determines the priorities of government will be the goals as articulated in the National Development Plan.  

“The choice of priorities is guided by their alignment to the attainment of the goals of the National Development Plan (Vision 2030) as adopted by Parliament in 2012.  As a country, we adopted the NDP in 2012, which was widely consulted [on], and it came to parliament for adoption. This is our plan to deliver a better South Africa for all by 2030.

“Later, the United Nations (UN) developed the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are closely linked to that plan. As we implement the NDP, we are also implementing the SDGs,” the Minister said.

Following steps 

The two day Lekgotla will deliberate on the proposals of the Directors-General, after which the programmes and priorities of government will be announced.  

“The adopted programme of action (MTSF) will be announced by the President at the Opening of Parliament on Thursday, 18 July 2024. After the adoption of the MTSF, the individual departments will then develop their Strategic Plans linked to the MTSF and Annual Performance Plans for implementation of the MTSF targets.

“Departments present both their strategic plans and Annual Performance Plans to Parliament and [the] Department of Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation (DPME) for oversight. The National Treasury will fund the implementation of the MTSF through the National Budget that is tabled and approved by Parliament,” Ntshavheni explained.

The DPME is responsible for overseeing and reporting on the implementation of the MTSF (the consolidated government view), and the Annual Performance Plans and submits the reports of alignment and performance to both the President and the Cabinet.

We wear a Government cap 

“As we are in a GNU, the decisions that we collectively agree on as the programme of action is the programme of action of government. We are collectively responsible for implementing that programme of action,” the Minister said. 

"As we go into government, we do not wear a party cap, but a government cap."  

Appointment of Ministers

On the issue of when Ministers of the sixth administration ceased to be Ministers, Ntshavheni said when the President of the seventh administration assumed office or took the Oath of Office, Ministers of the sixth administration ceased to be Ministers.

“This means all the executive authority powers moved back to the single executive authority, which is the President. No Minister of the sixth administration could make a pronouncement or a commitment or sign anything after the President took his oath of office.

READ | The oath has been taken, President Ramaphosa is inaugurated

“Similarly, the Ministers of the seventh administration only assumed office yesterday, 3rd July 2024 when they took their Oath of Office.

“Consequently, the priorities of the seventh administration are only going to be adopted at the scheduled Lekgotla and Ministers will be using this period until the Lekgotla to receive briefings from their departments and consult on how to shape the direction of the discussions at the Lekgotla,” the Minister said. –