Cape Town residents have one week left to submit their comments on the revised Sub-council by-law which proposes that the number of sub-councils operating in the metropolitan be reduced from 21 to 20 sub-councils.
The council has considered the listed sub-council boundaries with a view to creating greater synergy in service delivery by aligning sub-council boundaries with line departments’ service delivery areas and streamlining sub-council boundaries by reducing the number of sub councils from 21 to 20 as well as effecting fiscal prudence and contributing to budget austerity measures by reducing the number of sub councils.
“With the ongoing budget cuts from National Government, it was decided that the boundaries of the sub-councils be reviewed, and that Alderman Matthew Kempthorne be appointed by the Executive Mayor to reconvene and lead a multi-party committee to relook the boundaries of the sub-councils,” City of Cape Town Speaker, Felicity Purchase said.
The multi-party committee comprising all the parties in council, met to provide input and proposals on the new boundaries for sub-council, where it concluded their deliberations and decided to submit a proposal for the new sub-council boundaries to council.
City’s Mayoral Member of Committee for Corporate Services, Theresa Uys, said during the council’s meeting on 12 June 2024, council decided to approve the proposal, as submitted by the multi-party committee, and thereafter advertise it to the broader community of Cape Town for comment.
“Once we have received public input, we will then submit these comments to the multi-party committee for consideration [and] the committee will then make a final recommendation to council,” Uys said.
The public comment will close on 30 July 2024, and the council will then decide on the proposed new boundaries of these sub-councils at the council meeting scheduled for 22 August 2024.
Additional information, including the draft by-law and the map depicting the new proposed sub-council boundaries, is available at www.capetown.gov.za/collaborate - SAnews.gov.za