Cabinet welcomes outcomes of the 44th Ordinary SADC Summit

Thursday, August 22, 2024

Cabinet has welcomed the outcomes of the 44th Ordinary SADC Summit of Heads of State and Government held in Harare, Zimbabwe, on 17 August 2024.

The Summit had amongst others, urged Member States to implement the SADC Regional Humanitarian Appeal to the El Niño-induced drought and floods, and to continue monitoring weather and climate risks, including the forecasted La Niña event, and develop contingency measures to mitigate the impact of disasters.

The Summit also took note of the coming into effect of the Agreement establishing the Tripartite Free Trade Area among the COMESA, the East African Community and SADC which will provide opportunities for SADC members to tap into an expanded market of 26 countries with a population of about 700 million and a gross domestic product of US$1 trillion.

“On the Israel war against Palestinian, the Summit noted with concern the continuing relentless attack on civilians in Palestine which has resulted in the loss of lives, destruction of property and deteriorating humanitarian conditions and called for an immediate ceasefire, the release of all hostages and the commencement of talks to bring a lasting solution to the conflict,” Cabinet said.

Southern African Railways Association (SARA) Conference

Cabinet has also welcomed the deliberations during the 13th SARA Conference to uplift the rail sector within the  Southern African Development Community (SADC) with an aim of facilitating greater trade within the region and take advantage of trade opportunities presented by the African Continental Free Trade Area.

Cabinet said a thriving SADC rail industry requires greater rail investment and collaboration within the SADC region to address its many challenges.

“The region’s rail industry has over the years been faced with challenges such as crime, theft and vandalism.

“South Africa is committed to doing its part to create an efficient, connected and modern rail sector, and is implementing policy and interventions, such as the Freight Logistics Roadmap, to revive, support and modernise the capacity and competence of our railways,” Cabinet said. –