Call to support Presidential Health Compact goals

Friday, September 13, 2024

President Cyril Ramaphosa says he believes there is a good reason for stakeholders to be involved in the work needed to achieve the aims of the Presidential Health Compact.

This as a Member of Parliament asked the President whether he has taken any steps to address stakeholders’ concerns before signing the second Presidential Health Compact. 

The President was responding to oral questions in the National Council of Provinces (NCOP) in Parliament on various national developments on Thursday.

“The compact aims to ensure multisectoral involvement in health systems, strengthen the healthcare system and prepare it for the implementation of National Health Insurance. Some stakeholders, specifically from business, chose not to sign the second Presidential Health Compact.

“They cited their concerns with the National Health Insurance (NHI) Act and references to NHI in the compact. We believe there is nevertheless good reason for these stakeholders to be involved in the work needed to achieve the aims of the compact.   

“Through the compact, we aim to invest in a capable, compassionate, fit-for-purpose workforce in the health sector. We aim to strengthen local manufacturing of health products and ensure health infrastructure meets the necessary quality standards. The compact seeks to use the capabilities of the private sector to enable equitable access to quality services for all citizens,” the President explained.

The Presidential Health Compact initiative was launched in 2019. It is a framework of cooperation between critical sectors in South Africa to improve health outcomes.   

Among the sectors involved in the Presidential Health Compact are the government, business, labour, civil society, academia, traditional health practitioners, allied health practitioners and patient user groups.   

Signed last month, the second health compact is a framework for cooperation between critical sectors and stakeholders to strengthen the health system and monitors and evaluates preparations for implementing the National Health Insurance (NHI).

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In 2023, government convened the second Presidential Health Summit and produced a second Presidential Health Compact for 2024 to 2029.   

The compact further seeks to maintain the gains made in the National Quality Improvement Plan to ensure users experience the same quality of care whether in a state or private facility. The compact also aims to ensure adequate community engagement and inclusivity in the health sector.   

“Importantly, the compact aims to ensure the NHI is implemented affordably, deriving value for money and eliminating corruption. These are objectives which all stakeholders can support and work towards.   

“We therefore encourage all role players to be involved in pursuing these objectives even if they chose not to sign the compact. The implementation of the compact is overseen by a Joint Monitoring and Evaluation Steering Committee that brings together all the stakeholders,” the President said.   

He further highlighted all those who attended the recent meeting of the committee agreed on its terms of reference, which includes strengthening the health system in preparation for NHI implementation. 

“We hope that all stakeholders will use this forum to engage. Through continuous engagement stakeholders should be able to find each other. By working together on the fundamental issues on which we agree we will be able to make a significant contribution towards improving the quality of health care for all South Africans,” he said.
READ | Cabinet welcomes signing of second Presidential Health Compact