Pretoria -Government is pressing ahead with it plans to pass into law the Land Tenure Security Bill, which aims to secure land rights for farm dwellers.
The bill, which was recently approved by Cabinet, will be published in the Government Gazette on Friday, 24 December. Members of the public are encouraged to submit their written comments.
It symbolises new hope for a better life for millions of farm dwellers throughout South Africa, many of whom have fallen victim to arbitrary evictions, perpetual inhumane treatment and denial of basic human rights by some land owners.
It seeks to separate farm workers' employment contracts from their right to reside in their dwellings.
In a statement, the Department of Rural Development and Land Reform said the bill would help secure land for the millions of people across the country that live on farms which they do not own and where they do not have secure tenure.
It said often these farm dwellers faced human rights abuses, including evictions.
The department said the bill would allow for the building of agri-villages, industrial parks and other initiatives aimed at creating economic and social support for the farm communities.
It would help people facing eviction by resettling them and providing them with accommodation, and make funds available to appoint lawyers for people living on farms who need them.
"The Bill, however, goes beyond providing for basic human rights as promised by the Constitution of South Africa, but also addresses the need for productive use of agricultural land to meet the vision of sustainable, equitable and vibrant rural communities and food security for all," Eddie Mohoebi, the communications manager at the department said.
The Bill will replace the Extension of Security of Tenure Act (ESTA) and Land Titles Adjustment Act (LTA), which was been labelled as ineffective.
"The Bill will, in the long term, achieve the separation of farm workers' labour related rights / obligations from those relating to residence on farm land," said Mohoebi.
A copy of the Bill may also be downloaded from Written comments may be submitted to the following addresses:;, Comments may also be faxed to 0866 92 88.