DPWI Minister briefed on department's performance

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Public Works and Infrastructure Minister Dean Macpherson today met with the Auditor-General of South Africa (AGSA) for a briefing on the department's performance for the 2022/2023 year, which saw systemic failures in meeting its targets on delivery and financial management.

The Minister and the AGSA have committed to working together to assist the department to improve its performance and auditing processes. 

This forms part of the measures the Minister has committed to implementing to improve audit outcomes within the department following the results reported last week by the AG. 

This will ensure that public money is spent on the intended outcomes and corruption is met with consequence management.

“... It is important that drastic action is taken to quickly improve oversight, accounting and reporting within the department. 

“The findings that irregular expenditure jumped from R98 million in 2020/21 to R521 million in 2022/23 is deeply concerning because it is public money that is being wasted.

“Working together with the AGSA will help increase the oversight within our branches to expose any malpractices, as well as help officials to improve their reporting to ensure that we can begin the journey to meeting our targets and audit outcomes within the shortest timeframe possible," the Minister said.

Macpherson said today’s meeting forms part of other actions he has taken to avoid the wastage of public money within the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure, including removing the ability for officials to spend up to R20 million without accounting officer approval, and requesting a skills audit at the Senior Management Service (SMS) level to ensure the department has the necessary skills.

“The actions we are taking are part of our goal to lay a strong foundation at the Department of Public Works and Infrastructure to ensure we deliver on our mandate to use public assets for public good and to turn South Africa into a construction site.

“It will not be an overnight journey to resolve these problems, but it is something I am committed and determined to do at all costs,” Macpherson said. – SAnews.gov.za