SAWS warns of disruptive rain, severe thunderstorms

Monday, October 21, 2024

The South African Weather Service (SAWS) has warned that the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal will experience disruptive rain while severe thunderstorms are likely to occur in the Free State, North West as well as the Northern Cape.

“A cut-off low pressure system, surface trough and ridging high will result in scattered to widespread showers and thundershowers resulting in flooding in places,” said SAWS.

A surface high pressure south of the land will feed in a deep layer of moisture over the Eastern Cape, resulting in heavy downpours along the southeast coast between Cape St Francis and Port St Johns where the highest amounts of rainfall are expected between Monday evening and Tuesday afternoon.  

The latest models are increasing rainfall along the south coast.

READ | Disruptive rain warning for Eastern Cape

The impact of the disruptive rain includes flooding of settlements (formal/informal), roads, and bridges, damage to infrastructure as well as difficult and dangerous driving conditions due to slippery roads and reduced visibility.

Some areas could be cut-off due to flooded roads.

“Disruptive rainfall is expected associated with a cut-off low move over the Eastern Cape, while a surface high pressure south of the land feeds in a deep layer of moisture over the province. The Koukamma, Dr Beyers Naude, Blue Crane Route, Makana, Raymond Mhlaba LMs will be affected from Monday into Tuesday evening,” SAWS said.

This might result in flooding of roads and settlements, danger to life, disruption to essential services, communities temporarily cut-off and damage to roads and bridges.

meanwhile, KwaZulu-Natal is on Monday expected to experience widespread showers and rain is expected over the south-eastern parts of the province.

“Some good rainfall amounts north of 50mm have been observed with Mount Edgecombe standing out with 146mm. As rainfall is still falling in some parts in the south-east, this may lead to flooding of roads and settlements, damage to infrastructure and mud-based houses,” SAWS said.

The province has been warned of the likelihood of flooding of roads, bridges and settlements (formal and informal), danger to life (fast flowing streams/deep waters), major disruption of traffic flow due to major roads being flooded, disruption to essential services (Water, electricity, communication, etc) as well as damage to mud-based houses.

“Conditions are favorable for the development of severe thunderstorms resulting heavy downpours with possible rainfall amount in excess of 40mm expected over the Free State, central and western parts of the North West, and the north eastern parts of the Northern Cape on Monday. These conditions are accompanied by strong damaging winds, excessive lightning and hail,” SAWS said.

These conditions are expected to result in flooding of roads, settlements and low-lying areas. This may lead to the closure of some bridges and roads Injuries and danger to life.

Furthermore, the impacts could include damage or loss of infrastructure, settlements (formal and informal), property, vehicles, livelihood and livestock, falling of trees and possible injuries due to flying debris as well as disruption of municipal and other essential services (power supply).

There could also be major travel disruptions (including route obstructions) and accidents.

On Tuesday, Gauteng, Limpopo and Mpumalanga could experience severe thunderstorms.

“Thunderstorms are expected to develop over Gauteng, the Highveld of Mpumalanga and the western Bushveld of Limpopo tomorrow resulting in heavy downpours (widely 15-25mm with isolated areas receiving up to 30mm and strong to damaging winds.
These conditions may lead to minor impacts.

These include localised damage to informal houses or structures, disruption of services due to power surges and localized flooding of susceptible roads, low-lying areas and bridges.

“Given these potential impacts, it is essential to stay informed and monitor weather warnings from the South African Weather Service throughout this period to ensure preparedness and safety.

“The South African Weather Service will continue to monitor any further developments relating to this weather system and will issue subsequent updates as required,” SAWS said.

Furthermore, the public is urged and encouraged to regularly follow weather forecasts on television and radio.

Updated information in this regard will regularly be available at as well as via the SA Weather Service X account at @SAWeatherServic.