Pretoria - An outbreak of Rift Valley Fever has been confirmed in Graaff-Reinet and Kei Mouth.
According to the Eastern Cape's Rural Development and Agrarian Reform Department, state vets have confirmed the deaths of three sheep in Kei Mouth and a cow in Graff-Reinet as a result of the disease and are trying to determine the extent of the outbreak.
The department has called for all susceptible stock to be vaccinated under supervision of a veterinary official using a new needle for each animal.
Rift Valley Fever is a viral disease in animals that is spread by mosquitoes. It causes abortions in sheep, goats and cattle and can cause death in young animals.
Humans can get infected if they come into contact with blood and other body fluids from infected animals, or if they assist with abortions and handle infectious aborted material, like foetuses, placentas and placental fluids.
Humans may also contract Rift Valley Fever during the slaughtering of infected animals and through the handling of carcasses and meat of infected animals.
The department has called for the following control measures to be implemented:
* Immediate notification of all mortalities, abortions and illness to local animal health technicians or state veterinarian.
* Carcasses, fetuses or products may not be destroyed or tampered with unless authorised by state vets.
* Carcasses must be disposed of by burning or burying.
* Precautions must be taken when handling sick animals, fetuses or carcasses. Minimum protective clothing should include gloves, goggles, overalls and boots.
* Additional control measures should include weekly spraying of stock with fly and mosquito control remedy, moving of animals away from standing water and moving of animals to high altitude areas.