Twenty taxis nabbed in Gauteng roadblocks

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Pretoria - A total of 20 taxis were impounded in Gauteng following the implementation of the National Rolling Enforcement Plan (NREP) on Friday.

"Three of the taxis we've impounded failed the roadworthy tests, while the remaining were impounded for operational documents verification," said Chief Superintendent of the Johannesburg Police, Wayne Minnaar.

He said several roadblocks were staged across the province.

Law enforcement officers across the country are on a mission to stop and check one million vehicles a month, starting from 1 October 2010 until October 2011.

"Our message is clear to motorists: don't drink and drive. Stick to the speed limit shown on the road signs. Don't drive recklessly and avoid using cell phones while you are driving," he said.

Minnaar said at the road blocks, they check the vehicle's roadworthiness, tyres and licence disc. He said they were also targeting those who drive under the influence of alcohol.

The NREP was unveiled by Transport Minister Sibusiso Ndebele last month in support of the United Nations (UN) declaration with the theme, 'Decade of Action for Road Safety: Make Roads Safe.'

The plan is informed by the Fatal Crash Report and the Offence Survey Results for 2009.

Launching NREP, Ndebele said the plan would help South Africa reduce deaths and injuries on the roads.