Pretoria - Public service unions will finalise consultations on government's wage offer by Friday, says the Public Service and Administration Department.
Government met with labour on Monday for a special sitting of the Public Service Coordinating Bargaining Council (PSCBC) as the 21-day notice of the suspension of the strike by labour lapsed.
Union members involved in the public sector strike action agreed to suspend their industrial action and return to work while consultation on government's last wage offer was being finalised.
Government has offered a 7.5 percent salary increment and a R800 monthly housing allowance. However, unions have been holding out for an 8.6 percent increase and a R1000 housing allowance.
"The unions will finalise their consultations by Friday this week for report back in bargaining council," said the department.
Government signed the draft wage agreement on 13 September which according to the regulations of the PSCBC will expire on 12 October 2020, said the department.