Never too old to learn

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Acornhoek - As children, they never had the chance to get an education but the opportunity has finally come now that they are grandmothers and fathers.

As part of the Education Department's Kha ri Gude ("let us learn" in Tshivenda) mass literacy campaign, 16 elderly people who never went to school are learning to read and do basic maths in the afternoons at Mugidi Primary in Acornhoek, Limpopo.

Student Lizzy Mathebula, 59, from Timbavati village, says poverty prevented her from getting an education.

"As a child, I knew there was a school where people went to learn to read and write, but I never got the chance to do the same. When I heard about this project that helps people like me, I registered in a heartbeat."

Mathebula has only been in class for three months, but already her reading has improved markedly.

"I can read my Shangaan Bible without hiccups and I know soon I will be able to read the English version too," she says.

Dickson Mnisi, 67, the only man in the class and the school's security guard, says he loves attending these adult literacy and numeracy classes.

"When I'm on night shift, I always make sure I catch up with what they learned while I was on day shift. I would recommend this to all people who cannot read or count because once you can, you don't have to rely on strangers to help you withdraw your money at banks."

Mnisi is also excited because instead of signing his name with an x, like he had done all his life, he can now write his full name if his signature is needed.

While the students kept singing the praises of their teacher, she is clearly also delighted about her role in bringing big changes in their lives.

"I heard about Kha ri Gude looking for young people with postgraduate qualifications to volunteer as teachers for illiterate elderly people, and I grabbed the opportunity with both hands," said Nkateko Fortunate.

"They are easy students to teach because they are so willing to learn. There is nothing better than seeing my students become independent with regards to their reading and writing."

Kha ri Gude is registered and recognised by the South African Qualification Authority. Each student who passes at the end of the term will receive certificates of competence.

The Kha Ri Gude campaign was launched in February 2008, with the intention of enabling 4.7 million adults to become literate and numerate in one of the 11 official languages. Achieving this goal will enable South Africa to reach its UN: Education For All commitment made in Dakar in 2000 - that of halving the country's illiteracy rates by 2015.