Water and Sanitation Indaba to tackle SA’s water security challenges

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The development of a high-level national turnaround plan for water security will take centre stage at the National Water and Sanitation Indaba. 

The South African government will convene the indaba at Gallagher Convention Centre in Midrand, Gauteng, to address the provision of water security in the country.

Set for Thursday and Friday, the indaba underscores government’s ongoing commitment to tackling South Africa’s water security challenges, and ensuring reliable and sustainable water and sanitation services for all citizens.

With its focus on water security and provision, the two-day gathering takes place during National Water Month and Human Rights Month, a significant period that underpins the importance of water as a fundamental human right and a critical resource for socio-economic development.

The timing of the gathering also underscores the urgency of addressing water and sanitation challenges so as to uphold the dignity and well-being of all South Africans.

The two-day event will build on the outcomes of the Water Summit that was held in January 2024, which engaged all Water Services Authorities (WSAs), following the release of the Blue, No Drop Reports, as well as the Green Drop Progress Report in December 2023.

The summit identified critical challenges facing the sector, including aging, poor operation and maintenance infrastructure, organised criminality, water tankering and extortion mafia, vandalism of essential public infrastructure and corruption.

The summit also identified challenges including the growth of informal settlements, financial mismanagement, revenue shortfalls, mounting sector debt, illegal water connections, overconsumption and high levels of physical water losses as among the root causes of water supply challenges in most communities across the country.

The high-level event will bring together key stakeholders, including the Presidential Water Task Team that was set up by President Cyril Ramaphosa, the water boards, WSAs, the business sector, as well as thought leaders in the water sector.

Given South Africa’s classification as a water-scarce country, with rainfall levels significantly below the global average and further exacerbated by climate change, the Department of Water and Sanitation said the indaba will prioritise the development of a high-level national turnaround plan on water security.

“This strategy will align with the objectives of the 7th administration’s Medium-Term Development Plan (2025-2029) and Operation Vulindlela 2.0 (second round of economic reforms under Operation Vulindlela) to ensure a water-secure and resilient future. The Water and Sanitation Indaba seeks to devise immediate solutions that will ensure reliable and sustainable water supply to communities,” the department said in a statement.

The event will also assess progress made on implementing the 2024 Water Summit’s resolutions and mobilise various sectors and expertise to agree on a comprehensive national water and sanitation plan.

The department said this plan will focus on expanding access to water and sanitation services, enhancing water infrastructure, and implementing effective measures to improve water security and service reliability.

According to the department, the indaba represents a pivotal moment in government’s efforts to secure South Africa’s long-term water future.

“Following President Cyril Ramaphosa’s announcement during his State of the Nation Address that water has been elevated as a top priority of government, the outcomes of the indaba will reaffirm government’s unwavering commitment to overcoming sectoral challenges and fostering collaboration across all levels of society. 

“[This is] to build a sustainable water and sanitation sector, and further reinforce government’s dedication to ensuring that every South Africa has access to safe and reliable water and sanitation services,” it said.  – SAnews.gov.za